Sunday, March 23, 2014

The best laid plans...

Tonight I brought my phone with me when going upstairs with the girls for their Sunday night bath.

My intention was to take a few adorable photos of the girls in the bath.

My intention was to use those photos in a post that focused on my time with them; just us girls.

My intention was to write about how much I enjoy things like bath time...about how they love the water. They have so much fun and I love to watch them have that much fun together.

The best laid plans, right?

Mallory wouldn't stay put. And as she was trying to get away, Marin continued to dive face first into the 2 inches of water, attempting to eat the bubbles.

So I pull her up repeatedly and then go to wash Mallory. Marin then grabs the dangling shower head (still on) and gets Mallory and I both.

No pictures. Bath time is over. 

Marin is out first, I wrap her in a towel and go to grab Mallory out.

You take your eye off of that girl for ONE second...
She ran around the entire upstairs trying to hide. 

It really was adorable... even though it wasn't my intended photo.


  1. It is a great photo. Sometimes our intentions lead to different actions...especially with kids. Glad you were able to enjoy bathtime with them.

  2. Adorable! Love the 'heart' on Mallory's little rear end as she is running. What a fun evening for the girls! Jackie

  3. Of course they wouldn't cooperate on this night you want to capture cuteness. But you did get a slice of fun and a cute photo.

  4. Even it things didn't go as planned, it sounds like they created their own fun for you to enjoy!

  5. Hilarious!!! If you wouldn't have taken your phone with the intention of taking pictures they would have been sweet and adorable and oh so photogenic. Love the photo. ��
